VIII. International Triennial of Textile Arts 2024
Call for Projects
Szombathely Gallery, HU
Deadline period: 15.09. -15.11.2023
The Cultural Foundation for the Textile Arts and the SAVARIA MUSEUM - SZOMBATHELY GALLERY will be holding the VIII. International Triennial of Textile Arts between 21 June 2024 and 31 August 2024 at the Szombathely Gallery.
The theme and motto of the exhibition is: TOLERANCE LIMIT
Artists are called to submit projects that explore the themes, concepts, life situations and phenomena expressed above, while focusing on the properties of textile or conveying their ideas in the language of working textile, without any restrictions on the raw materials and techniques used. Goal is to soften the borderlines between the genres of applied and fine arts as well as to encourage artists to discover and walk the passages between them. The jury will only accept projects made between 2021 and 2024 and are either linked to or specifically made for the theme provided.
Projects can be submitted in three announced international categories by professional textile- fine-and applied artists; members of the art associations, students of higher educational institutions of art; those who create artworks satisfying the criteria laid out by the CALL FOR PROJECTS.
The deadline period for submitting applications is from 15 September 2023 to 15 November 2023 midnight.
Open Call & Datasheet: