THREAD MAGIC – Weaving for Shape and Texture
New weaving book by Lotte Dalgaard and Paulette Adam
English translation by Ann Richards

detail of the book cover
ETN member Lotte Dalgaard is one of Denmark’s most exciting hand-weavers, creating one-off fabrics with special pleated, crinkled, puckered effects in the weave.
For her new book “Thread Magic – weaving with shape and texture” she worked together with Paulette Adam for a long time and the result has now been published in both an English and a Danish edition. The 144 pages cover weaving with active yarns: crepe yarns, elastic yarns and shrink yarns. The book is filled with theory, practical advice and projects and of course lots of photos.
Lotte Dalgaard and Paulette Adam have test woven all active yarns they could get hold of and described their properties in shrink-tables - a true source of inspiration for weavers, designers and material researchers!
Retail price incl. Danish V.A.T 290 DKK – 39 €
For more information please contact Lotte Dalgaard: