Text & Textile
Jette Clover
Hawar Gallery, Oldeberkoop, NL
© Jette Clover
Jette Clover was born and raised in Copenhagen, Denmark, but she has lived and worked for many years in the USA and the Netherlands. Since 2005 she has been living in Belgium.
She was a journalist before she became an artist, which explains why text and lettering almost always are present in her work. She is also an art historian and worked for 11 years at the Dutch Textile Museum, curating exhibitions and organizing educational programs.
Since 1998 she has worked full time as a studio artist.
Jette has exhibited widely in the USA, Europe, Asia and Australia and she is a sought after teacher for workshops in surface design and mixed media. She has been a member of the European group Quilt Art since 2000, and she was a member of the Art Quilt/New York group for ten years. She is a member of SDA (Surface Design Association) and of SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Association) and served as its international representative for Europe and Israel for three years.
Her exhibition at Hawar is till the end of september and is called: "Text and Textile" Open on Friday and Saturday from 1 to 5.
More information:
© Jette Clover
© Jette Clover