Susanna Cati: Flúere
F’Art Spazio per l’Arte Contemporanea, IT
13.05. - 03.06.2023
F’Art Spazio per le Arti Visive Contemporanee, Via San Francesco da Paola n.13, L’Aquila, announces the opening reception of “FLÚERE“, Susanna Cati’s solo exhibition curated by Barbara Pavan, on Saturday, May 13, 2023, at 5 p.m.
FLÚERE collects and presents a heterogeneous body of works, an anthological synthesis of Susanna Cati’s work over the past three years. A research that began during the lockdown following the pandemic that has in water its fil rouge – inspirational principle and metaphor of a plurality of individual and universal instances – and that takes shape through an experimentation of techniques and materials that, while starting from the textile figure, explores the use and manipulation of other materials. It also evolves, for the artist, in the same time frame, the relationship and dialogue with space, when her practice frees itself from a residual two-dimensionality to which the weave at the base of weaving forced her and whose boundaries she had already begun to overcome through tafting and assemblage. She finally arrives at a full three-dimensionality that allows her first to establish a different relationship between the work and the viewer and then, with the most recent site-specific installations, a dialogue between the work and the space, coming to create immersive environments within which artist and viewer share a common experience albeit from different points of view.
The exhibition leads the visitor inside the artist’s research in an itinerary that starts from the polymateric tapestries of the Kairos project, through the small works that investigate the reasons for water, to the soft sculptures and, finally, to the work still in progress – FONS, FONTIS – a large modular installation whose realization is entirely supported by Acqua Rocchetta.
The exhibition will be open until June 3, 2023, Monday through Saturday (hours 5-8 p.m.).
Susanna Cati (Rieti, IT, 1961) graduated at the Academy of Costume and Fashion in Rome. After working as a preparer of scenic objects for the Teatro Argentina in Rome, she became a stylistic assistant for important Italian and French companies. After delving into all textile techniques, she devoted herself for a long time to the design and creation of carpets and tapestries, one-of-a-kind pieces and design collections in collaboration with studios and companies in the sector. For some time, however, her research has been oriented in the field of Fiber Art, with solo and group exhibitions in Italy and abroad (Switzerland, Austria, Russia, United Kingdom), in private galleries and institutional spaces. An experimentation always in fieri has led her to measure herself also with the dimension of textile jewelry and with educational and social projects.
Major recent group exhibitions include: “Micro, the different point” at MISP Museum of 20th and 21st Century Art, St. Petersburg; “De rerum natura,” Canton Ticino, Switzerland; “Layers,” curated by Erika Lacava, Scuderie di Palazzo d’Adda, Varallo Sesia (VC); “Sono tazza di te,” curated by Anty Pansera, Casa Boschi Di Stefano, Milan; “TreArtisteQuattro,” Rocca di Umbertide Centro Arte Contemporanea, Umbertide (PG), curated by Giorgio Bonomi; “Notes on this time,” Valtopina Museum of Embroidery and Textile and CasermAcheological Museum of Sansepolcro; “The soft revolution,” Busto Arsizio Textile Museum, Busto Arsizio (VA), WTA World Textile Art Italy Salon and “Fiberstorming,” Aula EX Ateneo, Bergamo, an event included in the events of Bergamo and Brescia Capitals of Culture, both organized by ArteMorbida and curated by Barbara Pavan; “Beyond Collage,” Nori de Nobili Museum, Trecastelli (AN). Her works are permanently in museum and institutional collections.
Curated by Barbara Pavan
May 13-June 3, 2023
Opening Saturday, May 13, 2023, 5 p.m.
F’Art Spazio per l’Arte Contemporanea, 13 S.Francesco di Paola Street, L’Aquila
Hours Monday-Saturday, 5-8 p.m.
Info e-mail: | tel. 331 205 1481 |