Space - The Dimension of Fiber
12th From Lausanne to Beijing International Fiber Art Biennial
Yunnan Provincial Museum, CN
01.09. – 31.10.2022

Think Different – Don’t Be Shy! - Tiziana Tateo
The Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University will present an extraordinary
Exhibition for fiber artists worldwide - the 12th "From Lausanne to Beijing"
International Fiber Art Biennial with Yunnan Minzu University and Yunnan Provincial
Museum. The theme of this year's Biennale is "Space - The Dimension of Fiber". It will be held at the Yunnan Museum in China from 1st September to 31st October 2022, for 60 days.
As an important stop on the Silk Road in southern China, Yunnan closely linked the
economies and cultures of the Central Plains, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia. The
Yunnan Provincial Museum, as a national level museum in China, always dedicates to
the promotion and dissemination of culture and history and provides a dignified and
elegant venue for the fiber and textile works of all the artists of this Biennale, a
display space with a wide audience.