Online Exhibition by the International Feltmakers Association
Opening: 28.03.2021

Reconnect<br>Online Exhibition by the International Feltmakers Association<br>Opening: 28.03.2021

Work by Laleh Javaheri (detail), source:

This selected exhibition with the title “Reconnect“ is made up of an eclectic mix of work by members of the International Feltmakers Association selected by a panel of judges who are experts in their respective felt specialisms.

Many of the works have been created by the artists at home during the global lockdown but the theme of the exhibition looks towards a future in which we will all reconnect with loved ones, nature, and our existing way of life.

The exhibition includes work from members of the IFA from all over the world. Artists from; Australia, Canada, Ireland, Norway, Finland, Estonia, USA, Germany, Turkey and the UK have been selected to show work in the show.

Enjoy your virtual visit to the exhibition:

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