Dragons from Golden Threads
Exhibition at the German Textile Museum Krefeld, DT
1.11.2020 - 01.01.2022

Dragons from Golden Threads<br>Exhibition at the German Textile Museum Krefeld, DT<>1.11.2020 - 02.05.2021

photo: https://okumi.wordpress.com/ausstellungen/drachen-aus-goldenen-faden-dragons-from-golden-threads/

The exhibition “Dragons from Golden Threads- Chinese Textiles from the own collection” shows about 120 textiles from the Yuan dynasty (1279–1368) till today. Garments from the Mandchu and the Han, interieur textiles, religious textiles, costumes for the opera and a Zhongshan suit.

There will be published a beautiful catalogue in German on 18th November, written by the curator Walter Bruno Brix. The exhibition will open November 1st, 11h – but will be closed afterwards from Monday November 2nd till the beginning of December, until further notice due to corono regulations.

Instead of a regular opening, you can find a film on YouTube:


Deutsches Textilmuseum
Andreasmarkt 8
47809 Krefeld, DT
Tel: 02151/94694-50
e-mail: textilmuseum@krefeld.de
Web: http://www.krefeld.de/


Exhibition view, photo: https://okumi.wordpress.com/ausstellungen/drachen-aus-goldenen-faden-dragons-from-golden-threads/

Exhibition view, photo: https://okumi.wordpress.com/ausstellungen/drachen-aus-goldenen-faden-dragons-from-golden-threads/

Exhibition view, photo: https://okumi.wordpress.com/ausstellungen/drachen-aus-goldenen-faden-dragons-from-golden-threads/

Exhibition view, photo: https://okumi.wordpress.com/ausstellungen/drachen-aus-goldenen-faden-dragons-from-golden-threads/

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