Dialogue – Woven and Embroidered Bridge
Craft Museum of Finland, FI
16.12.2023 - 03.03.2024

Dialogue – Woven and Embroidered Bridge Craft Museum of Finland, FI 16.12.2023 - 03.03.2024

Boro-matto maustettuna Harakata Sashiko-kirjonnalla & jaguard-kudonnallalla.
Kuva: Annukka Mikkola.

The Finnish-Japanese exhibition is based on a textile-oriented work exchange, where the theme has been travelling in its various meanings. Saori weaving and Sashiko embroidery are adding their own spice to the works.

The Japanese aesthetic has inspired Finns since the artists of the Golden Age. Similarly, the Japanese have been particularly interested in Finnish design for decades. The themes that unite both cultures are nature, quiet work, and immersion in one's own inner world.

The Dialogue exhibition is based on the Woven & Embroidered Bridge project (2021-2023). The artist-driven Japanese-Finnish creativity education and collaboration project focuses on the accessible Japanese craft techniques Saori weaving and Harakata Sashiko embroidery. The project has approached lifelong learning and finding one's own artistic language through colour, form and texture.

The concept of the Dialogue exhibition has been to understand other cultures, to internalise different phenomena and issues, and to create works based on mutual interaction. The artistic exchange has taken the form of a "bottled mail across the sea". 

The artists in the exhibition are of different ages and represent different artistic disciplines, ranging from textile art to ceramics, video and word art. Each artist has approached the theme of the exhibition from their own perspective. Although the artists' works differ from one another, they also share similarities and common approaches. The global concern for the well-being of the planet is reflected in the use of recycled materials, for example, and the concern for human well-being and understanding of diversity is reflected in the choice of subject matter. 


Kiyoko Endo, Tatsuya Jo, Kanna Koizumi, Annukka Mikkola, Mathilda Mikkola, Othilia Mikkola, Miyuki Omata, Midori Tsunoi and Karoliina Tuovinen.

Exhibition is supportd by Alfred Kordelin FoundationSJSF Finland and Finnish Heritage Agency.


Exhibition in the Craft Museum of Finland 16.12.2023-3.3.2024. 
Free entry on the street level exhibitions.

Craft Museum of Finland
Kauppakatu 25, 40100 Jyväskylä.
Museum is open Tue-Sun 11-18. Exceptions in opening times on holidays.


More information: https://www.craftmuseum.fi/en/craft-museum-finland/exhibitions-and-events/temporary-exhibitions/dialogue-woven-and-embroidered

Meriruusu-kimono 1997 (Japanilainen uni), jaguard kudonta & Taiteilijakirja meren muistolle 1997-2023, jaguard-kudonta, rakentelu, puuvilla, pellava, lasi, luonnonmateriaalit mm-rakkolevä.
Kuva: Mathilda Mikkola

Annukka Mikkola: Fragmentteja, 1997-2023: käsintehty puuvillapellavapaperi, kirjotut ja parsitut kierrätetyt tilkut, kudotut kivet
Kuva: Mathilda Mikkola

Zōri installaatio:
Midori Tsunoi, 2021-2022
Kierrätystekstiili japanista ja suomesta, kudonta, ompelu
koko pysty noin 75 x 120cm, vaaka 50 x 70cm

Miyuki Omata: Incense cases, 2023
Installaatio koostuu n. 80 pienestä rasiasta ja pullosta, joita käytetään teeseremonioissa.

Vesipoika-diptyykki, osa 1, 2023 sashikokirjontaa öljymaalaukselle & Välimeren hiomia lasin- ja ruukunsirpaleita, 45 x 56 x 5 cm.
Kuva: Mathilda Mikkola

Taiteilijakirja meren muistolle, 1997-2023, jaguard-kudonta, rakentelu, puuvilla, pellava, lasi, luonnonmateriaalit mm.rakkolevä.
Kuva: Mathilda Mikkola

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