CALL FOR PAPERS Conference: Fleece to Fashion
University of Glasgow, UK
Deadline: 15.01.2022

Knitting designs by Susan McComb.

Knitting designs by Susan McComb

Fleece to Fashion: Creativity, Authenticity and Sustainability in Knitted Textiles Past and Present

The AHRC Fleece to Fashion project at the University of Glasgow invites paper, panel and poster proposals for its conference to be held in Glasgow in 2022.
The Fleece to Fashion project is researching the history of knitted textiles in Scotland from c.1780 to the present guided by the themes of authenticity, sustainability and creativity.
This conference will focus on the processes and practices associated with the production of knitted textiles, from home hand and machine knitting to factory production. Glasgow is an internationally recognised city of the creative arts and crafts, and Scotland has a global reputation for the quality and style of its knitted textiles. Creativity in the use of design, materials and techniques; authenticity of materials and practices; and sustainability of production methods have always been critical features of the success of Scotland’s knitters, designers, entrepreneurs and business owners – from the lace knitters of Shetland to the global companies of the 21st century.

This conference aims to interrogate the diverse ways in which this sector has been inspired, supported and manifested – from the home knitter to the internationally renowned designer (and everything in between) – not only in Scotland but also internationally. Proposals for individual 20 minute papers, panels of three papers and for poster presentations are invited. Deadline is the 15th of January 2022.

 More information: 

Economies and Cultures of Knitting in Modern Scotland

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