Building Bridges: Breaking Barriers | Part Two
Ruth's Table, San Francisco, CA
Online Exhibition, 18.03. – 13.05.2021

Building Bridges: Breaking Barriers | Part Two<br>Ruth's Table, San Francisco, CA<br>Online Exhibition, 18.03. – 13.05.2021

Works by Lia Cook, © Lia Cook

Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers exhibition is a call for attention and an attempt to address the profound issue of ageism engrained in our society. The pandemic era has not only helped unmask, but negatively fueled the already existing ageist sentiment, promoting the troubling narrative about the value of older adults in our society. 

This two-part exhibition aims to help break barriers in perception by highlighting a group of Bay Area artists who demonstrate continuous evolution of their practice and are particularly notable for their ability to transform their oeuvre in the thick of their careers. Each artist displays a selection of works that represent evolution and, sometimes, rupture from earlier works, demonstrating a compelling ability to take risks, break new grounds and shape attitudes through their practice. Curiosity, unbound imagination, and inventiveness are defining characteristics that only come with age.

Paying particular attention to the issue of ageism, this exhibition explores the themes of breaking barriers and building bridges, in our lives and communities. How do we reinvent ourselves through a lifetime? What type of barriers, physical and metaphorical, do we break along the way? Can the barriers, or walls, we break help pave the way to building bridges that are multidisciplinary, intergenerational and multicultural? When addressing such profound issues as ageism, can art change our mind and perception? This exhibition is an invitation to have a meaningful and creative conversation that puts forth a goal of building bridges, the ones that can unite us in a common cause. 

Artists: Lia Cook, Naomie Kremer, Teddy Milder, Francesca Pastine, Mary Curtis Ratcliff, Elizabeth Sher
Curator: Hanna Regev

More information and Registration:

Works by Lia Cook, © Lia Cook

Works by Lia Cook, © Lia Cook

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