Pauline Caulfield Textiles
Dovecot Studios, Tapestry Balcony, Edinburgh, UK
08.03. – 20.07.2024
Pauline Caulfield is a textile artist whose large-scale screen-printed panels architectural interventions and ecclesiastical works move gracefully between hard-edged abstraction and illusion. Featuring over 20 large pieces ranging from fans, chasubles and fabric panels, this display illuminates Caulfield’s versatile yet distinctive work. More recently she has explored the use of freehand techniques including using combs and rollers and the dabbing of pigment dyes to achieve spectacular textural and visual effects.
Please note that this exhibition is on the tapestry studio viewing balcony and is open for limited hours –
Monday to Friday, 12:00 – 15:00 and Saturday, 10:00 – 17:00.
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