14th Mini Textiles Competition
Organized by the Argentine Centre of Textile Arts
Deadline: 21.05.2021
The Argentine Centre of Textile Arts (CAAT – Centro Argentino de Arte Textil) launches the call for members and non-members of the institution for the XXIV Mini textiles Exhibition 2021, within the context of preventive and mandatory social distancing.
The images of the works chosen by a jury will be included in an online catalogue which will be available in the webpage www.caat.org.ar and social media.
Opening of the show: Tuesday, June 22nd 2021
Deadline for presentation: Friday, May 21st 2021 at 24.00 GMT Argentina.
- Works from residents and non-residents in the country will be received.
- The subject matter is free, the works must be original and all the techniques and materials included in the concept of textile art will be accepted.
- Only one (1) work from each participant will be accepted.
- The works can be bidimensional or tridimensional, self-standing or to be hung.
Maximum sizes
- Bidimensional Works: maximum 20 cm high x 20 cm base wide, frame or stand included.
- Tridimensional Works: maximum 20 cm high x 20cm base wide x 20 base deep, stand or hanging materials included, whether the work is to stand or to be hung.
Requirements for bidimensional works
- A Word file including: Last name and first name of the artist; title, size, technique and materials of the work.
- A reference photograph of the work with a ruler on the longer side of the work to check the size.
- Images:
A photograph of the entire work, neutral background, which will be used for the catalogue.
A photograph of a detail of the work, neutral background.
Format: JPG with a 300 DPI resolution. The photograph must be minimum 10cm long and maximum 15cm long on its longest side.
Requirements for three-dimensional works
- A Word file including: Last name and first name of the artist; title, size, technique and materials of the work.
- A reference photograph of the work with a ruler on the longer side of the work to check the size.
- Images:
Four (4) views of the entire work (front, right side, left side, back side and/or top view). One of these will be used for the catalogue.
A photograph of a detail of the work.
All photographs must have neutral background.
Format: JPG with a 300 DPI resolution. The photograph must be minimum 10cm long and maximum 15cm long on its longest side.
The works will be selected by a jury chosen by the CAAT. The decision of the jury is final.
Awards :
- 1st Prize: $5000,00 (Argentine currency) and Certificate of award.
- 2nd and 3rd Prizes: Certificate of award.
- Mention awards according to the jury’s decision.
Artists who obtained the 1st Prize in former Mini Textiles Exhibitions will not be entitled to receive the same prize for a period of 2 years.
Members living in Argentina: $500,00 (Argentine currency). Non-members living in Argentina: $1000,00 (Argentine currency)
Overseas participants: Members U$D 10.- Non-members U$D20.-
The entrance fee is non- refundable and must be paid by each participant at enrolment time.
Visual Arts students in Argentina who present their student cards will get 50% discount in their enrolment in Exhibitions or Shows organized by the CAAT
More information (English version below):